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大学订阅数据库的使用仅限于当前入学的学生, 夏德隆州立学院CSC的教职员工.  Off-campus users will be prompted to provide a valid CSC username and password to access these resources.  

  • If you are having difficulty accessing the information you need please contact the Library at library@iin3d.com.
  • 如果您需要或想要的资源在我们的数据库中不可用, 尝试使用馆际互借 ill@iin3d.com
  • 如果资源显示链接损坏或您无法访问, 请与技术服务馆员联系, Paula DeMars at pdemars@iin3d.com





《ladbrokes立博中文版》排名第一. 1 .新闻来源, information, 为学院和大学的教职员工和管理人员提供工作.  《ladbrokes立博官网》每个工作日出版,是新闻的首选目的地, advice, 为学术界的人提供工作.  The Chronicle's website features the complete contents of the latest issue; daily news and advice columns; thousands of current job listings; an archive of previously published content; vibrant discussion forums; and career-building tools such as online CV management, 工资数据库, and more.

Inside Higher Ed

高等教育内幕是一个关于高等教育的新闻、观点和工作的在线资源. 该网站包含突发新闻和专题报道, 挑衅性的每日评论, 每篇文章的评论区, 实用职业专栏, and a powerful suite of tools to help higher education professionals get jobs and colleges identify and hire employees. 

Nature Journal

Nature is a weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, 交叉学科的兴趣, timeliness, accessibility, 优雅和惊人的结论.  大自然也提供了快速的, authoritative, insightful 吸引人的新闻和对影响科学的时事和未来趋势的解释, 科学家和广大公众. 

New York Times

《ladbrokes立博中文版》包含“所有适合刊登的新闻”.” The paper, 成立于1851年, has won more Pulitzer Prizes than any other news organization and is widely considered to be the newspaper of record. 用户将可以访问《ladbrokes立博中文版》内的所有文章内容——超过15篇.2 million articles—as well as the NYTimes magazine, photo exposés, blogs, and video content. 用户必须注册并登录他们的nytimes.Com帐户以获得完全访问权限.


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学术搜索总理- EBSCO

学术搜索总理提供全文访问超过3,900种学术期刊, 为用户提供对来自许多独特来源的关键信息的访问. 学术内容涵盖广泛的学术研究的重要领域, 从人类学到工程学, 法律对自然科学的影响.

Google Scholar

Google Scholar使您能够专门搜索学术文献, 包括同行评议的论文, theses, books, preprints, 来自所有广泛研究领域的摘要和技术报告.

SAGE Premier

这个资源包括国际, 几个学科领域的同行评议期刊, 包括业务, humanities, 社会科学, and science, technology, and medicine. Also includes access to 570+ SAGE journal titles, comprising over 292,000 full-text articles.

Wiley Online

Wiley提供来自1600种期刊的800多万篇文章. 我们的标题涵盖了生活的方方面面, 健康和物理科学, 社会科学和人文科学, 并包括许多在各自领域排名前列的头衔.

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ART & 音乐期刊资源


在艺术期刊文章的完整档案 & 科学、语言文学和商业. 


纳克索斯音乐图书馆是最全面的集合提供超过756,740首古典音乐曲目, Jazz, World, 民乐和中国音乐. 它包括完整的BIS, Chandos, Hänssler, Hungaroton, Marco Polo, Naxos, 在线和其他领先独立品牌的精选标题, with over 1,每月新增唱片000张. 作曲家传记, CD liner notes, and work analyses are some of the text resources available to users while streaming music from the NML.
* *(纳克索斯岛的历史, Nostalgia and Jazz Legends are not available in the United States due to possible copyright restrictions.)

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商务源总理提供全文超过2,300 journals, 包括全文1篇以上,100篇同行评议的论文. This database provides full text back to 1886, and searchable cited references back to 1998. 商务源总理有全文覆盖在所有学科的业务, 包括市场营销, management, MIS, POM, accounting, 财经. 该数据库每天在EBSCOhost上更新.


在艺术期刊文章的完整档案 & 科学、语言文学和商业. 


ScienceDirect is one of the largest online collections of published scientific research in the world. It is operated by the publisher Elsevier and contains millions of peer-reviewed articles from about 1500 journal titles. CSC图书馆订阅以下三个主要部分: 生命科学,健康科学, and 社会科学与人文科学 (包括商业和心理学).

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ERIC Database

ERIC (largest source of education information) contains more than 1 million abstracts of documents and journal articles on education research and practice.  


在艺术期刊文章的完整档案 & 科学、语言文学和商业. 

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HEALTH & 医学期刊资源


MEDLINE的子集,面向众多健康主题的消费者信息. 许多全文文档和链接都是可用的. 由国家医学图书馆从他们的Medline数据库中准备.


PubMed comprises more than 26 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, 生命科学期刊, 还有网上书籍. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.


ScienceDirect is one of the largest online collections of published scientific research in the world. It is operated by the publisher Elsevier and contains millions of peer-reviewed articles from about 1500 journal titles. CSC图书馆订阅以下三个主要部分: 生命科学,健康科学, and 社会科学与人文科学 (包括商业和心理学).


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LEGAL & 政府刊物资源

刑事司法摘要全文- EBSCO

Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text includes full text and bibliographic records of leading journals in the 刑事司法 field. 它提供了该领域320多种期刊的全文, 同时还为另外600本期刊撰写了摘要. 学科领域包括:犯罪学, 刑事司法, 惩教所及监狱, 刑事调查, 法医科学, probation, 药物滥用.


Links on this webpage connect to various government websites which provide citizen access to the myriad departments and agencies of the U.S. 政府和州政府的各种活动.  如果你找不到你想要或需要的东西, 请与国王图书馆信息服务台联系. 


西法大学校园研究 is a research service that provides college and university students with access to a comprehensive collection of news and business information and law-related resources. 还包括法规和条例,USCA, CFR,和联邦和州判例法.

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心理学、社会 & 行为科学资源


APA PsycArticles from the American Psychological Association (APA) is a definitive source of full text, 经同行评审的心理学学术和科学文章. It contains articles from journals published by the American Psychological Association (APA), 教育出版基金会(EPF), and from allied organizations including the Canadian Psychological Association and the Hogrefe Publishing Group.  It includes all journal articles, book reviews, letters to the editor, and errata from each journal. Coverage spans 1894 to the present and nearly all APA journals go back to Volume 1, Issue 1. 

Science Direct

爱思唯尔的Science Direct 提供大量的社会科学和人文科学期刊和书籍, 突出历史背景, 当前的发展, theories, applications, 趋势及更多. 

Psychology & 行为科学系列

Psychology & 行为科学系列 is a comprehensive database covering information concerning topics in emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry & 心理学,心理过程,人类学和观察学 & 实验方法. This is the world's largest full text psychology database offering full text coverage for nearly 400 journals. 

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SCIENCE & 科技期刊资源


从伽利略时代开始, 物理科学的实践者赋予了人类强大的, 不断发展的世界预测模型, enabling stunning technological achievements and enriching our understanding of the universe and our place in it. 近一个世纪以来, 美国物理学会(AIP)一直在努力推进, promote, 并为物理科学界服务,造福人类. Includes Physics Today subscription. 

Physics Today


《ladbrokes立博官网》涵盖免费期刊, full text, 质量控制的科学和学术期刊. 许多期刊来自欧洲.


公共科学图书馆(PLoS)是一个非营利组织, 科学和医学研究的开放获取出版商. 公共科学图书馆发表了160多篇,7种期刊上的000篇同行评议文章, 来自190多个不同国家的科学家.


PubMed comprises more than 26 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, 生命科学期刊, 还有网上书籍. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.


ScienceDirect is one of the largest online collections of published scientific research in the world. It is operated by the publisher Elsevier and contains millions of peer-reviewed articles from about 1500 journal titles. CSC图书馆订阅以下三个主要部分: 生命科学,健康科学, and 社会科学与人文科学 (包括商业和心理学).

Nature Journal

Nature is a weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, 交叉学科的兴趣, timeliness, accessibility, 优雅和惊人的结论. 大自然也提供了快速的, authoritative, insightful, 吸引人的新闻和对影响科学的时事和未来趋势的解释, scientists, 更广泛的公众. 

Science & 技术集合

科学技术数据库是一个基础的全文科学数据库.  它提供涵盖一系列科学学科的学术期刊, 包括化学, biology, 计算机技术与物理. 

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 RANGELAND & 牧场管理资源

Nature Journal

Nature is a weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, 交叉学科的兴趣, timeliness, accessibility, 优雅和惊人的结论.  大自然也提供了快速的, authoritative, insightful 吸引人的新闻和对影响科学的时事和未来趋势的解释 科学家和广大公众.


ScienceDirect is one of the largest online collections of published scientific research in the world.  It is operated by the publisher Elsevier and contains millions of peer-reviewed articles from about 1500 journal titles.  CSC图书馆订阅以下三个主要部分: 生命科学、健康科学、社会科学和人文科学 (包括商业和心理学). 2024年11月图书馆将增加期刊 Rangelands and 牧场管理 到网上订阅. 





学术搜索总理- EBSCO

学术搜索总理提供全文访问超过3,900种学术期刊, 为用户提供对来自许多独特来源的关键信息的访问. 学术内容涵盖广泛的学术研究的重要领域, 从人类学到工程学, 法律对自然科学的影响.


商务源总理提供全文超过2,300 journals, 包括全文1篇以上,100篇同行评议的论文. This database provides full text back to 1886, and searchable cited references back to 1998. 商务源总理有全文覆盖在所有学科的业务, 包括市场营销, management, MIS, POM, accounting, 财经. 该数据库每天在EBSCOhost上更新.


《ladbrokes立博中文版》排名第一. 1 .新闻来源, information, 为学院和大学的教职员工和管理人员提供工作. 《ladbrokes立博官网》每个工作日出版,是新闻的首选目的地, advice, 为学术界的人提供工作. The Chronicle's website features the complete contents of the latest issue; daily news and advice columns; thousands of current job listings; an archive of previously published content; vibrant discussion forums; and career-building tools such as online CV management, 工资数据库, and more.

刑事司法摘要全文- EBSCO

Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text includes full text and bibliographic records of leading journals in the 刑事司法 field. 它提供了该领域320多种期刊的全文, 同时还为另外600本期刊撰写了摘要. 学科领域包括:犯罪学, 刑事司法, 惩教所及监狱, 刑事调查, 法医科学, probation, 药物滥用.


《ladbrokes立博官网》涵盖免费期刊, full text, 质量控制的科学和学术期刊. 许多期刊来自欧洲.

ERIC Database

ERIC (largest source of education information) contains more than 1 million abstracts of documents and journal articles on education research and practice. 

Google Scholar

Google Scholar使您能够专门搜索学术文献, 包括同行评议的论文, theses, books, preprints, 来自所有广泛研究领域的摘要和技术报告.


高等教育内幕是一个关于高等教育的新闻、观点和工作的在线资源. 该网站包含突发新闻和专题报道, 挑衅性的每日评论, 每篇文章的评论区, 实用职业专栏, and a powerful suite of tools to help higher education professionals get jobs and colleges identify and hire employees.


在艺术的旧期刊文章的完整档案 & 科学、语言文学和商业.


MEDLINE的子集,面向众多健康主题的消费者信息. 许多全文文档和链接都是可用的. 由国家医学图书馆从他们的Medline数据库中准备.

Nature Journal

Nature is a weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, 交叉学科的兴趣, timeliness, accessibility, 优雅和惊人的结论. 大自然也提供了快速的, authoritative, insightful 吸引人的新闻和对影响科学的时事和未来趋势的解释, 科学家和广大公众.


纳克索斯音乐图书馆是最全面的集合提供超过756,740首古典音乐曲目, Jazz, World, 民乐和中国音乐. 它包括完整的BIS, Chandos, Hänssler, Hungaroton, Marco Polo, Naxos, 在线和其他领先独立品牌的精选标题, with over 1,每月新增唱片000张. 作曲家传记, CD liner notes, and work analyses are some of the text resources available to users while streaming music from the NML.
* *(纳克索斯岛的历史, Nostalgia and Jazz Legends are not available in the United States due to possible copyright restrictions.)

New York Times

《ladbrokes立博中文版》包含“所有适合刊登的新闻”.” The paper, 成立于1851年, has won more Pulitzer Prizes than any other news organization and is widely considered to be the newspaper of record. 用户将可以访问《ladbrokes立博中文版》内的所有文章内容——超过15篇.2 million articles—as well as the NYTimes magazine, photo exposés, blogs, and video content. 用户必须注册并登录他们的nytimes.Com帐户以获得完全访问权限.

精神粒子- EBSCO

PsycARTICLES连接了180多个用户,000 articles from over 100 top journals across psychology and the behavioral sciences. PsycARTICLES还提供广泛的备份文件, 很多期刊可以追溯到第一卷, Issue 1.


Psychology & 行为科学系列 is a comprehensive database covering information concerning topics in emotional and behavioral characteristics, psychiatry & 心理学,心理过程,人类学和观察学 & 实验方法. This is the world's largest full text psychology database offering full text coverage for nearly 400 journals. 


公共科学图书馆(PLoS)是一个非营利组织, 科学和医学研究的开放获取出版商. 公共科学图书馆发表了160多篇,7种期刊上的000篇同行评议文章, 来自190多个不同国家的科学家.


PubMed comprises more than 26 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, 生命科学期刊, 还有网上书籍. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.

SAGE Premier

这个资源包括国际, 几个学科领域的同行评议期刊, 包括业务, humanities, 社会科学, and science, technology, and medicine. Also includes access to 570+ SAGE journal titles, comprising over 292,000 full-text articles.


科技馆藏是一个基础全文数据库.  它提供涵盖一系列科学学科的学术期刊, 包括化学, biology, 计算机技术与物理.


ScienceDirect is one of the largest online collections of published scientific research in the world. It is operated by the publisher Elsevier and contains millions of peer-reviewed articles from about 1500 journal titles. CSC图书馆订阅以下三个主要部分: 生命科学,健康科学, and 社会科学与人文科学 (包括商业和心理学).


西法大学校园研究 is a research service that provides college and university students with access to a comprehensive collection of news and business information and law-related resources. 还包括法规和条例,USCA, CFR,和联邦和州判例法.


Wiley提供来自1,600种期刊的800多万篇文章的卓越组合. 我们的标题涵盖了生活的方方面面, 健康和物理科学, 社会科学和人文科学, 并包括许多在各自领域排名前列的头衔. 


The CSC Library subscribes to a variety of article and book databases to facilitate campus research. When students, faculty, 和工作人员都在校园里使用局域网(LAN), 他们只需要去公共图书馆的网站—— http://snx.iin3d.com/library/ ——来获得这些资源.

访问CSC图书馆拥有的电子书, 去搜索图书馆目录, 在图书馆的主页上. 当库目录打开时,单击 Featured Lists 在右上方. 然后选择“CSC电子书我们拥有”.

However, when students, faculty, and staff are off campus, they are no longer on the LAN. 这意味着需要额外的步骤才能获得访问权限. 因为数据库只对学生开放, faculty, and staff, 必须输入CSC证书才能从校外访问这些资源

作为申请过程的一部分, Information Technology (IT) sends a set of two usernames and passwords to new students. These usernames and passwords provide access to various campus resources, including:

用户名看起来像- 99999999(8位ID)
用于课程注册,访问成绩 & 成绩单,账单/付款状态
用户名看起来像- john.学生或jostud
用于- EagleMail, CSC在线/酒井法子, 图书馆数据库,  设备注册, 校园电脑登录

当你试图访问图书馆资源(电子书、文章数据库等)时.),您将看到一个登录提示(示例如下). 要访问图书馆资源,请输入您的校园用户名和密码.


If you’re not sure of your password or if you have other technology issues, contact the IT Help Desk. The IT Help Desk is open Monday-Thursday 7:30am-7:30pm and Friday 7:30am-4:30pm and Sunday 1:00pm - 5pm. 可以联系到他们:

  • In person– The IT Help Desk is located on the main floor of the Library Learning Commons
  • 电话:308-432-6311
  • Email - helpdesk@iin3d.com

与IT部门联系密码问题时, you will need to provide your name and permanent home address before IT can reset your password.

If you have any questions about research or how to find academic resources, contact the Library:

  • In person – The Library Circulation and Reference Desks are located on the main floor of the Library Learning Commons
  • 电话:308-432-6271
  • Email – library@iin3d.com